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Tatyana Caidheann
My name is Tatyana Caidheann. I am a teacher (delivery of information) and educator (drawing out the ‘genius’ of a student) with a background in Classics.
I highlight these distinctions because it is in pondering on them that I began to consider and perceive the multifaceted process of educating as a corollary of creating health as well as understanding clearly the central importance of awareness within relationship, to both of these processes. We are intricately connected to – and therefore affected by – each other, in our intimate relationships but also within greater systems at work and in society. In the current models of both health and education, we minimize the importance and purpose of the person in front of us, forgetting that health is not just symptom removal nor is education just information delivery.
Being in a classroom has forced me to ask what the present system is offering the development of children in terms of human potential and the possibility for thriving in the future, which led me into my current preoccupation and occupation of researching health – as a concept, as a philosophy, as a possibility, as a reality – historically up until now, what it might look like for an individual and a society to live in a state of health, and ways that we can bring health back online.
I now work to elucidate through sharing my broad vision for education and healing, which I believe are two sides of one coin, the same thing seen from different angles. Both are cornerstones – without which there is not – for building human potential, and they are both founded in deep sensing relationship. The other two cornerstones are awareness and self responsibility (or autholiarchy – taking oneself in hand for the good of the whole.), two attitudes, which demand focus on self and so are only possible when you have been truly seen in your relationships.
My most important contribution to the discussion in education and health is my emphasis on the fundamental skill of deep listening that I call ‘lissensing’. Lissensing opens all our sensory receptors to bring us into greater awareness of what is going on in and around us, as well as for others and environment. It is a central attitude necessary whenever we are involved in developing human potential, whether through education or healing.
HHERF encapsulates this need for an energised effort to shift the current paradigm and so I am thrilled and grateful to be included in its membership.
To be alive is a blessing and so we need to come together to optimise that experience for everyone in line with the World Health Organisation’s definition of health as ‘a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of dis-ease or infirmity.
A person is healed by being made to feel whole, and this takes us all working with as much clarity as possible around what it means to be human to create that.