Contact Info
Taeia Hollands
Everyone knows me as Taeia, pronounced (Tay Ya).
I realized when I was living abroad for 4 years that my personality attracted people and friends and I was very quick to learn. One of the qualities I have is a caring attitude.
I realized this was developing a diplomatic personality that enables me to understand the perspective from other peoples position. I am sympathetic towards others but sometimes when I hear the facts being distorted, I always bring these things up so the truth is heard. I have an experience at school when I was 12, I was bullied and had to stand up for myself by sharing some very difficult facts with the head teachers … This taught me the power of the truth and to be strong in your own principles. The bullying stopped…
Throughout my time at secondary school I was a key member of the netball and rugby club and went on to join the ladies team at Salisbury Rugby Club. I have been chosen to assist the PE teaching department to umpire the lower inter-house school competitions in all the girls sports disciplines, Rugby, Rounders, Netball and Dodgeball.
After having formal lessons in Bulgaria, I learnt to play the piano at the age of 6. This has led to an interest and the ability to play by ear which has led to me creating/composing my own music. I hope to incorporate this into a form of therapy/healing as I follow my interest in the medical/healing industry. These natural creative qualities that I am discovering also come out in Art and Language. I find drawing and painting of nature very rewarding and sometimes connect paintings to my music.
The sporty side of me keeps me fit and healthy and gives me a lot of understanding of working together with other people. I do worry at times that I may damage my hands when playing rugby but I enjoy it so much, I soon forget.
I have started to read a lot more in the past 2 years since studying for GCSE and now regularly read every evening. My interests are around a broad range of subjects that interest me.
I love cooking… Not just the ordinary meals but exotic recipes that involve being both accurate and creative at the same time. I started with simple Thai food recipes and moved on to complex Sushi. I don’t get the same excitement with pastry or sweet recipes.
Over the past 10 years I have also learnt and experienced a lot from my parents who have had a business which was very unusual. They always included myself and my sister in everything they did so we got to understand and enjoy lots of things that many of my friends didn’t. This I always look back on as it helps me understand better the complex adult world I am joining in the next few years.
1st place-Public speaking
My speech on apprenticeships)
Sports Leader of the year, 2019/20/21
Player of the month, Ladies rugby club
Speak and write fluent Cyrillic (Bulgarian) Spanish GCSE (Grade 7)
Piano player (Classical)
Public Speaking, positive attitude, organized, attention to detail, accurate
Team leadership, helpful, concerned EDUCATION
Since being interested in science from primary school level, I feel drawn towards the complex and amazing nature of the human body and the functions of all its subsystems in connection with nature. I also enjoy the practical aspects of science that many are put off by.
I am excited by biology and want to explore and understand so I can discover many things that will bring us a better future less dependent on artificial chemicals and pollution.
My future is focused on becoming a doctor in paediatrics.
The future is not completely crystal clear to me as so many things will change but the pandemic era that I have been experiencing has defiantly allowed me to become independent and responsible in a way I enjoy which will be very valuable to me in the future.
I am realizing that I am self – motivated, determined individual who likes and understand the power of team work. I have had the opportunity to join a pediatric doctor and a plastic surgeon to observe their work but the pandemic has put that on hold. This will help me decide the direction of my journey as I pass through 6th form in the next few tears.
My predicted grades for GCSE O Level are as follows:
English 7, Maths 7, Geography 8, Biology 8, Chemistry 7, Physics 7, Spanish 7, Music 9
My approach to a job and my first experience in the working environment is to have the opportunity to explore the skills and experience I have so far gained by putting them to work in the real world.
I have a lot to learn and want to give my time to exploring more about myself whilst helping the business/job by bringing in all my qualities that could be needed to do a great job, add value and be paid what Im worth.
How do I best learn, how to do, what I want to be?
Isn’t life just one long, happy, exciting, apprenticeship?. It is exactly that.
Learning practical skills, developing creativity and understanding ingenuity helps us discover who we are, what we enjoy, and most importantly what we want to be, and why. Apprenticeships accelerate the delivery of the essential foundations of life/work skills.
So what are apprenticeships?
Apprenticeships allow us to experience first hand the working environment. In doing so we and able to gain valuable work and life skills to lead us on to the next steps of our careers. Apprenticeships give us an insight to discovering the real world of work.
Who do we best learn from ?
A Sherpa in the context of the working world, is a wise, trusted, ethical and authentic employee, a mentor. Sherpa’s are highly skilled individuals. They prepare a safe route for you to follow. Reducing the risks, allowing you to absorb experiences whilst knowingly avoiding mistakes that lead to disasters. Having a sherpa at your side throughout your apprenticeship to help guide you through the failures and successes you will endure results in you gaining invaluable experience. An apprenticeship allows you to realise the subtle differences between those failures and successes you have to journey through to gain wisdom.
Here are 4 reasons why an employers is interested in apprenticeships.
75% of employers believe that apprentices are more important than ever to their business.
82% of employers take on apprentices to build the skills capacity within their businesses.
96% of employers who employ apprentices report benefits to their organisation.
Because apprenticeships are based in the workplace, not only do employers get the right skills they really need for their employees but we get the essential work/life skills, knowledge, experience and valuable wisdom. Apprentices are proof that life skills have to be learnt with guidance from wise, knowledgable people.
There is no short cut to learned skills when engaged in and responsible for, real life.
If I was on a discovery to an unknown future I would defiantly require a sherpa to guide me to where and what I want to BE. Let an apprenticeship both start us and take us on our happy exciting journeys through life.