Contact Info
Saima Salahuddin
Dr. Saima Salahuddin has more than 10 years experience as a General Practitioner and Family Medicine Consultant. She worked in the NHS in UK as well as several private practices and setups across UK, Australia and United Arab Emirates. During the novel pandemic, she has adopted different telehealth approaches to overcome limitation and be able to assist her patients. She is currently licensed General Physician in UK, Australia and United Arab Emirates.
She earned her Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery (MB.BS.) in 1995 from University of Karachi in Pakistan. Then later in 2010, she became a Member of Royal College of General PractitionersUK (MRCGP). In 2012, she became a Fellow of Royal College of General Practitioner Australia (FRACGP).
Dr. Salahuddin has more than 40 articles and abstracts published so far and she delivered around 30 teaching presentations across different universities and platforms.
Teaching Professionals how to cope with stress and make work more fulfilling
Teaching patients how to cope with health concerns
Teaching at GP training sessions and supervising Foundation SHO in GP practice
Regular in-house SHO teaching sessions (endocarditis, HIV-brain impairment, alcohol detoxification)
During the PRHO year, I was involved in teaching medical students on physical examination
Involved in an educational video for asthmatic patients right after MBBS
Taught colleagues how to use of Power Point to make presentations
Active participation in journal clubs
Involved in guiding PRHO’s in how to apply subcutaneous injections and speculum examinations
Guiding junior doctors through a major audit as audit lead 2006
Guiding colleagues and professionals to deal with difficult situations
Outside medicine:
She used to teach new actors/actresses during drama rehearsals for television and stage performances
She taught drills to the juniors, as a leader of a Woman Guards training program
2014 Audit on prescribing of Antibiotics in the light of UK regional guidelines
2014 Audit on Notes entry standards
2010 Developed ‘Patients’ Needs and Expectations Questionnaire’ for a population of 5000 patients
Audit lead in planning, executing and analyzing an audit comparing emergency SWL treatments with conservative SWL approaches (Barts & The London NHS Trust). I guided a team of junior doctors through the process. The data have shown a huge saving in bed time and other hospital costs and have been used to justify the employment of a third lithotripter operator and installation of regular emergency SWL slots. I will present the data on the Euro-American Urology Conference in Athens/ Greece in June 2006.
Independent planning, conducting and analyzing of an audit on Infection rates following breast surgery, Dept. of Surgery, Princess Alexandra Hospital Harlow. The audit showed (1) an increased rate of infections compared to national and international standards, and (2) a poor standard of documentation in the notes. The latter was the reason that results remained incomprehensive. Proper documentation was implemented on which basis the audit could be repeated later.
2019 Video Community Talk show on STD and Impact on Youth ( Australia )
2012: Reviewer for Türkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences (Turkish Journal in English)
2009: Panel Member for London Deanery Appeals Committee
2009: Bursary Award in Musculoskeletal Medicine, by Association of Practitioners with specialInterest (APWSI), accredited by Middlesex University
2009: TV show – Children’s Educational programme on ‘Dreams’
2008: TV show – Children’s Education on Flu and Cold on Community TV channel
2005: Best Poster award: Salahuddin S, Kok DJ, Buchholz N: Dosage alterations to prevent intratubular Indinavir crystallization. XXth Congress of the European Association of Urology, Istanbul/ Turkey.
2004: Member of the British Medical Association’s (BMA) Junior Doctors Committee
2003: Medical Advisor for the Joint Hypermobility Association of Britain
2002: Entry in: ‘Who’s who in the world’, 20th edition, Marquis, New Providence, 2003
1999: Travel stipend for the work on Crystallisation of Indinavir (Merck, Sharp & Dohme®, Haarlem/ The Netherlands)
1998: Research grant for the project Salahuddin-Buchholz S, “Buchholz NP, Kok D: Three glasses a day keep the stone away – the development of a new tasty anti-stone drink” (Urological Scientific Research Foundation SUWO, Rotterdam/ The Netherlands)
1997: Award for the best presentation for “Prescribing TB drugs: Russian roulette or safeplay”. 3rd Biennal Conference on Chest Disease & Tuberculosis, Quetta/ Pakistan,
Social Work: She has been involved in fundraising for Cancer Research projects in Pakistan and organized charity programs.
Physical andMental Fitness: She regularly exercise, meditate and learn new ways of developing physical and mental strength and relaxation.
LANGUAGES: English, Urdu, Dutch (basic)