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Mark Chappell
Programme Director with Thornton Riseborough Limited. Delivering leadership of significant and complex projects, change programmes, corporate restructuring and turnaround, programme management for large scale transformation and changefor blue chip organisations including Rolls Royce, British Nuclear Fuels, IBM in Europe, National Grid in the UK and US, Alcatel Lucent in Europe and the US, Siemens globally and most recently for the British Government. In addition to change leadership my work has included fund raising and income generation, most recently successfully raising £4bn from HM Treasury for investment in Science.
With a particular passion for new and emerging technologies I have invested inHyper Sciences and the diversifications in microwave technology and its application to various fields of Defence and Science. Leading a key initiative into new technology for the very early detection of Cancer and the potential for using highly focussed microwave technology to eradicate the disease without the need for chemotherapy and surgery. I am also a senior advisor to the British Government through the Cabinet Officein the development of CL4 High Containment Laboratories to ACDP4 and SAPO4, building capability for the rapidly escalating risks of global pandemic and its catalysts of globalistion and climate change.
A career founded in the progressive sector of non-core business outsourcing in the late 1980s, I worked my way up the corporate structure to become a Managing Director in one of the UKs leading service providers where I thrived as a business leader focussed on business performance enhancement, profitability and customer satisfaction. Away from work I enjoy international travel, I spend my free time clay pigeon and range shooting, I enjoy playing golf, albeit not very well, and occasionally get involved in village cricket, I own and race a Porsche 911 in the UK Porsche Club.