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Keita Bah
Prof. Keita is renowned public health leader with more than 40 years of experience. He was the WHO representative in several African nations including and not limited to Burundi, Algeria, Niger and Mauritania over the last 13 years.
Being a strategic public health expert, he participated in the development of national advocacy and resource mobilization strategy plans for Health Action programs as well as in the development of the strategy for strengthening the performance of Health Systems. He was part of the team how developed the strategic plan to strengthen Universal Health Coverage. He also provided strategic advice for Human Resource Capacity Building, particularly in the fight against TB and HIV / AIDS. He as well provided strategic advice for strengthening WHO leadership in the health sector.
During his career, he has provided strategic advice to the Ministries of Health (Algeria, Niger, Mali), within the framework ofmanagement of MERS epidemics, Ebola, cholera and Covid 19 as well as strategic advice on the establishment of the intersectoral mechanism to deal with the threat of Ebola Virus Disease “Surveillance, alert and management of viral hemorrhagic fevers”.
He has supported the development of the national plan for preparedness, alert and response to health threats with epidemic potential and public health emergencies of international concern and contributed to improving operational capabilities to effectively address the threats of epidemics and disasters as well as the development of the ” National Risk communication plan in accordance with the recommendations of the 2005 IHR
Training and capacity building was among his favorite passion, he dedicated his time to skills development of health personnel at sea, land, air ports of entry. He provided technical support for capacity building of the members of the communication group of the National Health Crisis Management Committee on communication at risk and contributed to strengthening the capacities of the heads of laboratories of the Pasteur Institute of Algeria and the National Institute of Public Health in biological risk management at the laboratory and certification for the international shipment of hazardous biological samples.He supported the training of 150 African doctors in modern methods of fighting TB, co-infection TB / HIV, and pharmaco-resistance.
He was instrumental in the mobilization of financial resources for the implementation of emergency action plans for preparedness and response to an epidemic or health disaster.
He took part in the development of national plans for the management of communicable and non-communicable diseases with epidemic potential and provided advocacy with technical and Financial Partners for the implementation of END TB and commit TB Strategy. He also supported for UNDAF implementation and monitoring activities.
He was part of the team who created and launched the WHO International Course on TB, co-infection TB/HIV and pharmaco-resistance in partnership with UNAIDS.
Prof. Keita contributed to the preparation and implementation of the END TB global strategy and The ENGAGE TB Strategy and extended strategic support for the development of the regional tuberculosis plan, 2007-2011
In 2002, he contributed to the finalization of the regional TB Strategic Framework and AIDS Harare in Zimbabwe.
He also played an important role in supporting the training of a pool of consultants from the African region in the formulation and submission of grant proposals to be submitted to the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and malaria in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, Harare, Zimbabwe in 2002, then in Geneva, Switzerland from 2003 to 2006 followed by Dakar, Senegal in 2007 then finally Cotonou, Benin in 2008.
He was the main catalyst behind the development of the Maghreb initiative to combat tuberculosis (MATCI) in Rabat,Morocco in 1999.
Prof. Keita supported the training of Teachers of the Faculties of Medicine of French-speaking African countries on the introduction of the teaching of tuberculosis control in the training curriculum of students respectively in Dakar (Senegal) 1998 and Bamako (Mali) 2003. As well, he supported the training of National Tuberculosis Reference Laboratories in Francophone countries, Cotonou, Benin 1998.
He also supported the training of the Directors of the national programs to combat tuberculosis in French-speaking and Portuguese-speaking countries, in the management of tuberculosis at the national level, respectively, in Lomé (Togo) 1997 and Yaoundé (Cameroon) 1998.
From 1996 he was the Head of the Intercontinental Support Team for tuberculosis control in West Africa (Cote D’Ivoire, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Guinea (Conakry), Guinea Bissau, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Togo, Senegal).
Prof. Keita authored and co-authored more than 100 scientific articles in both English and French. He is the author of the book “Choix de vies”, published by Editions L’harmattan Paris, 2015.
- 1986-1993: Assistant Clinical Head in Pneumo-Physiology, at the Faculty of
Medicine and pharmacy of Bamako, Mali
- Since 1994: Associate Professor of Pneumo-Physiology at the Faculty
of Medicine and pharmacy of Bamako, Mali
- 1994, Chair of Pneumo-Physiology, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy
Bamako, Mali.
- Since 2011: Benin (Ouidah Regional Institute of Public Health): Founder and Facilitator of the WHO International Training Course on methods to fight tuberculosis, TB / HIV co-infection and Drug-Resistant TB
- Since 2006: Burkina Faso (Ouagadougou) Facilitator of the International Course “Training in the care of people living with HIV in Saharan South Africa”.
- From 2002 to 2006: Cote d’ivoire (Abidjan) Associate Professor at the Faculty of Medicine and pharmacy of Abidjan, in charge of teaching tuberculosis and tuberculosis control to students enrolled in the Certificate of higher studies in Pneumo-Physiology
- From 1992 to 2006: France (Paris) Facilitator of the International Course on STDs and AIDS (Institut Fournier / Institut de Médecine et d’EpémiologieAfricaine/ WHO)
- From 1989 to 1991: Algeria (Algiers) :Facilitator of the International Training Course on Tuberculosis Control Methods (UICTMR/WHO)
International Societies:
- Founding member of the Medical Society of Mali, 1989
- Member of the Society of Exotic Pathology, 1993
- Member of the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases (ICTU – MR), 1993.
- Member of the Société de Pulmonologie de Langue Française, 1994
- Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Tropical Pulmonology, 2004
Humanitarian Actions and Community Support
- Secretary General of the Comitéd’action et de la Solidarité au Mali (CESAM), humanitarian NGO, 1991
- President of the WHO staff association in Cote d’ivoire, 2003 – 2005
Awards and Recognitions:
Academic: winner of the CAMES aggregation competition, 1994
Government of the Republic of Niger: Certificate of recognition for service to the people of Niger, 2012
Conseil National de l’ordre des Médecins du Mali: Diplômed’honneur pour service rendu à la santé, 2015
Government of the people’s Democratic Republic of Algeria: Certificate of recognition for service to health in Algeria, 2017
1992: Diploma of the International Course on STDs and AIDS: Institut Fournier / Institut de Médecine et d’EpémiologieAfricaineParis (FRANCE).
1990: Diploma of Applied Epidemiology course for senior health officials: National School of Medicine and pharmacy (ENMP) Bamako (MALI) / WHO.
1989: Certificate of Specialized Studies of Pneumo-Physiology (CES), National School of Medicine and pharmacy (ENMP) Bamako (Mali).
1986: Degree in Oxiology and Emergency Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and pharmacy of Toulouse (France).
1985: Diploma of the International Training Course in methods of fighting tuberculosis Paris WHO/UICT – MR (FRANCE).
1979: Doctor of Medicine (State Diploma), National School of Medicine and pharmacy (ENMP) Bamako (Mali).
1974: Bachelor of Biological Sciences, Badalabougou Bamako High School (Mali).