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Hamzeh Awad
Dr. Hamzeh Awad has completed his PhD at the age of 30 from School of Medicine at the University of Munich, Germany with specialty in Public Health Informatics (digital health) and Rehabilitation. Dr. Hamzeh experience and expertise in Healthcare Clinical Operation and System, Planning and Development, Disability, Rehabilitation, Diabetes and eHealth services, he experienced working with different countries such as Germany, Belgium, Jordan, Saudi Arabia,
UK and UAE. Further; he was appointed as a Researcher at WHO Center in Munich, Research Scientist at University Hospital of Technical University of Dresden, Germany.
Dr. Awad, worked as “Assistant Professor” at King Saud University in Riyadh, then Research and Clinical Programs Development Manager at Prince Sultan Rehabilitation City, KSA. Further, Dr. Awad, was promoted to “Associate Professor” in Health Science Department at Al Khawarizmi International College (KIC) in Abu Dhabi, he worked also as Adjunct Faculty member in Public Health Department, Abu Dhabi University, UAE and senior eHealth consultant in Belgium.
Dr. Awad, working at the moment at Higher College of Technology (HCT), is teaching Health Information Management (HIM) and appointed as Health Informatics Research Chair. He has several publications in ISI journals and chapters in Books and keynote speaker in several international conferences. He has several international collaborations with different research groups in Health Science Education Technology, Rehabilitation, Diabetes, Health Information Technology, Health Management and Digital Health and Telehealth.