Contact Info

Hyelhirra Adamu

Project Manager

Hirra is a medical doctor and global health professional with over 9 years of work experience both in clinical practice and the global health development space. She has worked in various locations and across a wide range of organisations on projects in service delivery, health planning, health financing/economics, and health policy contributing her knowledge and skills to address complex health system challenges through exceptional leadership, thought partnership and trusted advisory.

Hirra has a strong interest in health system reforms and strengthening and also a passion for solving complex health systems problems. Her strengths are critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, research, leadership, communication, collaboration, teamwork, analytics and a strong desire to have an impact on the world. She believes that through functional health systems, people live healthier lives and the economy thrives.

Her specialities include health policy & systems research, health systems reforms & strengthening, public policy, health equity & the social determinants of health, globalisation & health.

In her free time, Hirra loves to travel, bask in nature and spend quality time with friends.